Any time your mind tells you “it won’t be good enough”, what is your mind actually trying to do? It’s trying to protect you from pain. Oh, I shouldn’t study for this test. Why? Because it won’t be enough. You won’t get an A.
But then you ask yourself, but wait, what is my mind trying to protect me from? It’s trying to protect me from a B. Because I want an A. Because if I get a B, or a C, or an F, and I TRIED for an A, I’m going to be so devastated. So your mind tells you it won’t be enough.
“It won’t be enough” is a trick that the mind plays to reduce your desire to act. So if you really want to fix your life, the most important thing to do is to do things that are not enough.
Every single one that I have taught to do things that are not enough has substantially improved their life.If you can start doing the insufficient, your life will change.
“OMG exercising for 20 minutes is not going to be enough, so I might as well not do it.” You’re right, if you wanna get at whatever the fuck your goal is, you need to exercise for 90 minutes.
But do the thing that is not enough. See, that’s the problem, we all look for the thing that will work. We should start doing the things that won’t be enough. Because the real success comes not from the thing working or not working, the real success comes from the doing.