I had a couple of things that caused me to lose momentum since I last checked in. One is politics — after keeping away from news since November, I did finally Gaze into the Untempered Schism. I became depressed and anxious for several days. After that I started watching random Youtube shorts because I was too demoralized to focus!
Another reason for loss of momentum is, I’ve had trouble setting up a person / group to report back to. My former tutor is swamped right now. And the Discord server I joined doesn’t seem to be a good place for me. I haven’t figured out how to behave in that environment. Instead of working on the music project, I’m obsessing about how much / how little I should say in the Discord, did I say the wrong thing, are they wishing the awkward old lady would go away etc etc.
Back on track!
My daughter has volunteered to be someone I can submit things to once a week. Not that she is going to read them or listen to them — just that I can hand her the thumb drive and check off that box. Break the big project into smaller pieces.
This video was helpful!